About the PAPER.
Drawing on themes encapsulated in a series of OECD papers, the author explores new thinking on the purposes of education. After an opening reflection on societal goals and the priorities for education systems, he presents the concept of Education for Human Flourishing. He then discusses underpinning orientations; three competencies that people might need; the opportunities for assessment; and potential directions for how people should learn. In the final section he suggests trajectories for education system design and concludes that there will be opportunities to validate and strengthen this thinking, but also to enrich it with new ideas and approaches, through research, dialogue and consultation.

About the author.

Michael Stevenson leads innovation around the world on education purposes, policy and delivery.
He is Senior Adviser Education and Skills at the OECD, where he established and leads the High Performing Systems for Tomorrow initiative. Through policy dialogues at Permanent Secretary level, involving Australia, Canada, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore and the United Kingdom, the OECD is building a policy framework for countries interested in orienting their systems toward education for human flourishing.
As Vice President Global Education at Cisco Systems, 2007-2013, he co-founded the Global Education Leaders Partnership. Returning to GELP in 2020, as co-chair with Valerie Hannon, he has focused it on the design and implementation of local learning ecosystems.
Michael is a former Director of Education at the BBC and Director of Strategy, Communications and Technology in the UK Department for Education and Skills.

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