
Strategic Leadership

Strategic Intent Micro-Course

Part of the LERNA & CSE Strategic Leadership Series

“Each school leader must understand where their school is coming from and what it
is aiming to achieve. ”

AITSL (2017)

"A clear direction is evidenced by a school’s vision that is aligned with its current and future context. "

AITSL (2017)

"The direction should also be underpinned by a deep understanding of the needs and expectations of the school’s students, families and community."

AITSL (2017)

Online course for individuals and teams – from January 2024

Vision + Mission + Values = Strategic Intent

Schools spend a great deal of time on strategic planning and developing the leadership capabilities of staff to deliver on a school’s plans, but is the school’s direction clear, is that direction well founded and does the school’s strategic plan reflect that direction?

Understanding a school’s strategic intent can add significant clarity and direction to a school’s strategic planning efforts.


Course Overview

The course explores the concept of strategic intent – what it is, why it is important and how schools can go about identifying their strategic intent.

The course introduces a Strategic Intent model for schools – based on three key elements: Improve, Excel and Collaborate.

The course provides learners with a process and practical activities for developing a school’s strategic intent, including an option to engage with a coach to review their learning.

ready to get started?

Get in touch, or visit LERNA.com.au/


During this self-paced professional learning course, learners will work through five modules consisting of a balance of engaging videos, readings, individual reflection, collaboration with team members, and an optional coaching session.

Thought leaders included in the course material include Linda Kaiser & Judy Halbert (Canada), Simon Breakspear (Australia), Jordan Tinney (Canada), Clare Amos (NZ), David Ng (Singapore) and Nadine Trépanier-Bisson (Canada).

The course also features access to a number of CSE Seminar Series and Occasional Papers.

It is a rich experience that guides learners through each of the five modules and progressively builds their knowledge and capacity to implement the model.

who should participate

School leaders and/or school leadership teams seeking to:

  • enhance their school’s strategy planning processes
  • increase their strategic leadership understandings and capabilities
    understand the importance of collaborative
  • approaches to the development of an agreed school strategic intent statement.

course preview

For a preview to the course, including the introductory module and a sample from every module, head to

For further information, please get in touch via

customised options

LERNA and CSE can collaborate with you to develop a bespoke version of this course for your organisation.

To find out more about customised professional learning options, please email info@lerna.com.au

Strategic leaders have a well articulated purpose of intent from which alldecision-making, planning and implementation can arise. The concept assistsleaders to employ an active management process that includes motivating people bycommunicating the value of the intent, leaving room for valuable individual, teamand community collaboration and input, sustaining enthusiasm, and using intent toguide resource allocation


ready to get started?

Get in touch, or visit www.lerna.com.au/lerna-courses

Leading Education Series

Unbeaching the Whale

The Invisible Middle


Consulting Projects


Level 6, 19 Thompson Street Abbotsford, VIC 3067

Centre for strategic education

ABN: 33 004 055 556